Episode 188

The Final Episode

Kelly Smith interviews me

It’s been five years of podcasting. I can’t say enough… mostly: Thank you, thank you, thank you for being here with me, listening, sharing the podcast with friends, and sharing your stories with me.

In this episode, Kelly Smith joins me to ask all the questions. She’s interviewing me about how it’s been and what’s next for me. And we’re answering listener Qs.

Questions for me like...

- Noteworthy client sessions - crazy things, funny things that have happened?

- What was your first job?

- Have you regretted anything you've shared along the way?

- What do you do when you travel solo? Are you scared?

- Why did you change your name / How did you pick your new name?

+ follow up Qs from the ayahuasca journey I did (see Ep 187 for that detailed breakdown) and more!


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