Wed Feb 15
90 Mins
Online via Zoom
Exchange: $66
Understanding Your Intuition
We all have access to our intuition. Intuition is a function of our Earhtsuits - these physical bodies we inhabit while we're on this planet. These bodies are here to be a vessel of manifestation and information.
Unfortunately, we're often told that it’s not real, it’s only imagination, it's not logical, and on and on. Because of this, we often miss it, discount it, doubt it, can’t trust it, and shouldn’t rely on it.
Let’s fix that.
First, intuition isn’t a light switch situation. Working with our intuition requires mindfulness and trust.
Mindfulness to understand when and how information comes to you.
Trust that you can do this, you are doing this, and you will do this.
Mindfulness and trust when you feel blocked - knowing this can also be a message (this has been happening a lot to my visual clients).
We cover this and more in the workshop.
The workshop opens up with a conversation about my understanding of intuition and how it comes through based on my experience and the experiences with my clients. I’ll weave in why hypnosis is a wonderful and fun tool for this practice of understanding and leaning on our intuition.
After that, we’ll move into the hypnotic journey. This journey is for anyone new to hypnosis and those with alot of experience. This journey is a hypnotic invitation to help awaken your knowing and understanding of your intuition. A better understanding of your intuition - not only right now but throughout 2023 and into the future.
Included in the workshop:
After you register, you’ll get:
A confirmation email + PDF that includes the Zoom link to access the workshop when we’re live on Feb 15 at 6 PM CST.
A How-To PDF to set up your space so you are ready to learn and sink into deep relaxation to connect with your intuition.
A hypnotic audio recording that you can listen to before the workshop to prime your mind so you can go farther and faster when we’re together.
For the workshop:
We’ll be meeting live via zoom at 6PM CST USA on Wed Feb 15.
Attend live or watch the replay. The replay link will be sent within 24 hours of the live gathering.
Find a space that you can have uninterrupted time during this workshop’s discussion and hypnotic journey.
Bring a pen and paper in case you want to write down any insights or wisdom that comes in during the hypnosis.
No prior hypnosis experience needed!
The replay:
Within 24 hours of the workshop I’ll have the replay page up for you to access.