I’ve taken the most popular

client questions + topics

and created a space where we can:

gather regularly



lean on each other

learn from each other

make some friends

have some laughs

~ women only ~



The experience of Kinship 2024 reflects what I see in so many of my clients and friends.

Whether it’s

symptoms of


a mid-life crisis,

Saturn Return,

or checking all the adulting boxes

and still feeling like,

“Is this it?”

Get more.

More purpose and joy. 

To know more about ourselves. 

To understand more about the purpose of life. 

More clarity about the plans for the life we came here to create.

So many of us want more. And I believe this is a good thing.

2 Gatherings

(replays always available)

Join us on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6 PM CST for a Kinship-only gathering. We’ll discuss experiences from that month’s hypnotic journey, topics covered in PLD recent episodes, questions Kin members have from their hypnotic journeying and anything else relative to our experiences in these unseen realms. All gatherings are hosted on Zoom and replays will be available to watch all throughout the year for Kinship members.

Taking place on the 1st Thursday of each month (except July) at 6 PM CST this is a chance to take a group hypnotic journey in your home via the comfort of your own home and Zoom. Beginners are welcome and this is free to everyone. Tell your friends! Only Kin members get the replay of this event each month and have access to each replay throughout all of 2024. Join me live, catch the replay, or both! See the monthly topics listed below.

Express Hypnotic Journey

Working with the monthly topics (listed below), Kin members will get an audio hypnotic journey similar to the hypnotic journey in the Community Hypnosis that month except this is an abbreviated journey designed for those in Kinship to be able to explore more in less time. Download and use as often as you’d like!

The more someone accesses the hypnotic trance, the easier it is to get there and the easier it is to understand and trust the information you’re getting. With that, you don't need a very long hypnotic induction. We can do in 30 minutes what it might take a beginner 45-60 mins. (Beginners welcome! You won’t be a beginner for long :)

Tarot & Oracle Reading

Each month, you’ll get a recording of Sarah Leverett and I doing an oracle read. She’ll pull an oracle card. I’ll pull a tarot card. From there the conversation will meander as we share our interpretations of the cards. Usually there will be a question to ponder or an action to take to move the energy forward if you choose to. Kinship members get access to the monthly card readings all year long.

If you have your own card reading practice and want to share, you can comment in our WhatsApp group. Share your interpretation of the cards or how the reading resonates for you. And hear about how the reading landed for others. Practice with me if you want!

Kinship Chat

Whether you’re sharing your own thoughts about the Tarot & Oracle reading that month or sharing something else about your journey, use WhatsApp to chat easily with other Kin and me.

Go it alone or find your new friends, however you use it, the group chat is there for you. Connect with others and feel the freedom of talking about these things without wondering if everyone thinks you’re weird! Because, no, we don’t! We’re right there with you!

Bonus Gifts

During 2024, Kin members will have a chance to watch 2 live Past Life Regressions over Zoom. Be there live as the session unfolds or watch the replay later.

Additional audio recordings and opportunities to gather will be available to Kin members throughout the year. Stay tuned!

Monthly Topics

for hypnotic journeys & discussions

  • Through these experiences we gain insight into different experiences, challenges, and perspectives. We being this wisdom and experience with us into this life today.

    Benefits come in so many ways. Allow resentment to melt into forgiveness by experiencing a life that makes it all make some sense in this life.

    Learn to understand your intuition and make easier decisions in this life.

    Experience a life that shows you how to trust your own wisdom and power in this life.

    Feel more love and connection in your life by experiencing a life rich in community.

    Experience a past life that shows you how to work with your anger in this life.

    This modality helps foster empathy, compassion, and a deeper understanding of others as well. I believe these experiences promote empathy and help create a more compassionate and loving society.

  • Maybe - that's my best guess. Whether it's your past lives, another timeline, an experience within the collective consciousness, a metaphor of your own conscious mind, or something else – these experiences change us in undeniable ways.

  • With hypnosis, we can access the subconscious mind and all the memories it holds. The subconscious mind holds every memory of everything that's ever happened to us.

    So if you're freaky enough to believe in past lives or other timelines, that would include those memories too!

    Another thing about hypnosis, in the trance state, our senses are heightened. We are deeply relaxed and our awareness (+ intuition) gets sharper and clearer.



Journey to a past life that will help you bring in more of what you want in 2024.


Journey to a past life that will help you feel more Gratitude & Love For Your Body in your life today.


Journey to a past life that will help you Trust & Embody Your Power in your life today.


Journey to a past life that will help you Enjoy The Beauty In The World Around You in your life today.


Journey to a past life that will help you feel more Connection & Belonging Through Nature in your life today.


Journey to a past life that will help you Understand What Fuels You in your life today.


Integration time! No hypnotic journey this month but we will be meeting on the 3rd Thursday as usual for our discussion for the month.


Journey to a past life that will help you Increase Your Inner Peace in your life today..


Journey to a past life that will help you be and feel more Love & Support Through Friendship in your life today.


Journey to a past life that will help you embody your Inner Sorceress + Psychic Protection in your life today.


Journey to a past life that will help you Love Yourself More in your life today.


Journey to a past life that will help you feel more Proud Of Your Work & Progress...in your life today.

“Kinship has been the gateway to a more whole, healed version of myself. Being surrounded by such amazing souls, I’ve never felt so supported and connected before. It gave me the opportunity to understand what deep friendship is and can be.

I’ve gained the courage and voice to reach out to people first! By doing that this year, I’ve made some pretty cool besties and soul sisters. Kinship has provided the space for me to learn more about myself and my journey, which ultimately led to me going to my first retreat (which was life changing and epic), become a certified hypnotist, create my own business, find my voice and start a podcast and heal on a whole new level… and so much more. Kinship has been the backbone or foundation to my souls evolution, I am eternally grateful to Jina and all my kinships sisters.” - Steph

I've been on a path to learn more about myself, heal, and enjoy myself for nearly two decades.

Hypnosis, which I stumbled upon in 2013, has been the biggest force of change for me. I see the profound changes in my clients' lives too.

Since 2018, I’ve created hundreds of hypnotic journeys and facilitated even more conversations between clients and the Divine. With this experience and knowledge,

I’ve crafted a sequence of hypnotic journeys

for 2024

that will help you feel

more aligned,


& happy to be alive

(like, really happy),

and more purposeful

and peaceful.

All while understanding more…

More of who you are,

the unique gifts you hold,

and how to create the life

you came here to create.

Not just in the way it looks.

And, most of all, in the way it feels.

The 3rd Thursday of the month is a Kinship only gathering. This is your space to share your experiences, ask questions, and meet other Kin. Join me live or watch the replay.

The 1st Thursday of the month is getting amplified. We’ll meet for a live guided hypnotic journey to a past life. While this gathering is open to the public, the replay is only available to Kin members.

“My favourite part so far, has been the deep conversations we have as a group. Either discussing our experience with the journey, about what we’ve learned, different perspectives. Love it all!!” - Steph

Every month will be a different topic (listed above) designed to help you understand more about yourself and increase the level of lightness, peace and power in your everyday life.

Each month (except July) there will be a chance to experience a group hypnotic journey live over Zoom. If you can’t join is live, catch the replay!

Each month (except July) Kin members will get an express hypnosis track containing the intentions for that month. Express meaning, get to where you’re going in a journey to another life even quicker. Use it as often as you need to in order to get more guidance in a smaller amount of time.

I always get so much from these sessions and the various topics we dive into!” - Rebecca

Each month, I’ll pull a Tarot and an Oracle card and share my interpretation along with a question to ponder or an action to take to move the energy forward if you choose to.

“My favorite addition is the WhatsApp group AND your card readings. I feel like those things create more connection and community, especially on the weeks we are not gathering. I wasn't expecting either when I signed up again and it's added a little magic to my Mondays!” - Becky

Whether you’re sharing your own thoughts about the card reading or sharing something else about your journey, use WhatsApp to chat easily with other Kin.

Go it alone or find your new friends, however you use it, the group chat is there for you.

I honestly wasn’t expecting to enjoy the group chat tho is much.. group chats can sometimes overwhelm me, but not this one. Even though a lot of the dates for the live gatherings haven’t worked out with my schedule, the group chat keeps me feeling close to our kin!” - Rosa-Lee

“I have been enjoying all of the themes we have been exploring and I LOVE to listen to the others explore their hypnosis results. I also love the community we have created and getting to know some of the others outside of just meeting twice a month...I feel like I have found friends that get me, which is rare these days. I want to thank you for creating and fostering this community that has been so supportive to me over the last 2 years. The healing I've received and the love I feel for you and all of the others in this community is unmatched.” - Becky

If you love Past Lives & the Divine and want more human connection in these realms, join us!